School Library Journal Article on SC Study

Screen Shot 2015-11-09 at 3.08.30 PMScreen Shot 2015-05-14 at 5.47.28 PMToday, School Library Journal posted an article co-authored by Karen Gavigan and me.  Titled SC Study Shows Link Between School Librarians and Higher Test Scores, it is a short summary of the findings of the 2014 school library impact study I worked on for South Carolina with my RSL Research Group colleagues, Bill Schwarz and Marcia J. Rodney.  Thanks to the folks at SLJ for giving this study some national press, and to Karen for taking the lead in getting this article written, submitted, and accepted.

For the record:  There were two extraordinary things about this study.  First, it was funded by the South Carolina Association of School Librarians with their own funds.  And second, it was the first school library impact study to employ test score results for specific reading and writing standards.  Thus, this study’s findings are the most precise to date.


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