Colorado’s 5-Year LSTA Evaluation Survey Now Open


As of this morning, the five-year evaluation survey for Colorado’s state Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) program is open.  It asks library leaders in the state to evaluate the state library’s performance on the last five-year plan (2007-12) and to provide input on the state’s next five-year plan (2013-18).  The latter questions will help State Librarian Eugene Hainer and the CSL Management Team to make more informed decisions about how to allocate Colorado’s share of federal library funds over the next five years.  If you are work in or with a Colorado library or related organization, you should have seen the announcement of this by now via an organizational list or Libnet, the state email distribution list for library folks.  If you wish to respond and don’t have the link to the survey, please email me and I’ll be happy to share it with you.

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