If you’re participating in the Library 2.014 conference, don’t miss this session to be presented by David V. Loertscher and Carol Koechlin. The session description from the Library 2.0 website follows:
For many years researchers like Keith Curry Lance and Ross Todd have conducted impressive studies linking school libraries to academic achievement. These studies agrigate findings across many schools and are important to advocacy but we find that individual teacher-librarians still need site based data. We wondered if a simple but powerful measure at the school level could be developed with classroom teachers and learners. This presentation will explore a research study in which classroom teachers teaching alone in the isolated classroom are compared with classroom teachers who partner with and co-teach alongside teacher librarians. We think you will be fascinated with the power of the results and their implications for practice in both school and academic libraries. Because the measure is easily replicated in any school or university, we will recommend the measure but also enlarge upon it in context of the major ideas needed to create powerful learning experiences in rich information and technological environments. This will be an interactive presentation, so be prepared to talk, share, and add your recommendations to eveyone in attendance.
For more information about this session, see the accepted proposal on the Library 2.0 website by clicking here.