In the January/February 2015 issue of PRINCIPAL magazine–the official journal of the National Association of Elementary School Principals–Ann M. Martin and Kathleen R. Roberts published an article entitled Digital Native Does Not Equal Digital Literacy.
Here is a quote from their article:
In schools that foster a successful digital learning environment, administrators encourage risk-taking and collaboration, identify team leaders, share data, and emphasize professional development. The Pennsylvania School Library Project research conducted by Keith Curry Lance and his colleagues found that students performed better on reading and writing tests in schools where the principal:
- Placed a high value on the school librarian collaborating with teachers in planning and teaching and providing in-service education to teachers;
- Met regularly with the librarian; and
- Appointed the librarian to serve on key school committees.
For the full Pennsylvania study report–How Pennsylvania School Libraries Pay Off: Investments in Student Achievement and Academic Standards–see the Project Research page of the PA School Library Project website.
Congratulations on an excellent article, Ann and Kathleen, and thanks on behalf of my RSL Research Group colleagues, Bill Schwarz and Marcia Rodney, for mentioning our work.